The new mayor-elect thanked her opponent for “the incredible work she continues to do for the city.”
Some have artwork or commentary. Some are not filled out correctly. But (almost) all of them count.
Here are the returns for 89 races and ballot measures — and links to official election websites.
At 44.8 percent to 43.7 percent, that’s a large enough margin to avoid an automatic recount.
As mailed-in ballots are counted, other races in Snohomish County are largely unchanged.
South county fire Commissioner David Chan opened a lead, after trailing slightly a day earlier.
Jenny Durkan captured just over 60 percent of the votes, while Cary Moon tallied about 40 percent.
The party is now back in charge of both legislative chambers for the first time in five years.
It could be a while before final results are known for many local elections.
A win by Manka Dhingra would put them in charge of both legislative chambers for the first time in years.
Ellis leads Chan in Fire District 1; Matsumoto Wright is ahead of Richards in Mountlake Terrace.
As of Tuesday, Nehring had 59.1 percent, Ryan had 62.9 percent and Low had 57.6 percent.
Election officials expect to release the next tally of ballots around 5 p.m. Wednesday.
Early returns show she captured more than a 20-point lead with nearly 61 percent.
Everett’s mayoral contest isn’t the only lively race on the ballot.
Candidates cite their hands-on experience in campaigning for the job.
Also: A too-young school board candidate in Sultan is old enough now, and he’s running as a write-in.