Removing income tax on tips could expand tipping to other jobs and require others to pay more in taxes.
A federal program to cull barred owls to save native spotted owls is raising questions about wildlife policy.
States now use many types of primaries. A bill would open primaries to all voters, regardless of party.
Cancer Action Plan of Washington is a team effort to help state residents prevent, treat and survive cancer.
Life sciences are a leading employer in the state and are must continue work on life-saving therapies.
The machines take workers jobs, are avoid by customers and increase the losses from shoplifting.
It’s common practice in appealing to voters, but the most recent pledges are what they usually stick to.
Despite the touting of “rules” and volatile numbers, we’re likley not far off from normal.
If Bitcoin and others can prove their utility, then they can follow existing rules on fraud and transparency.
The causes of the crisis have ebbed, but supply and easing mortgage rates will move slowly.
The program is meant more as insurance than retirement, as Walz’s story of survivor benefits made clear.
Donald Trump, already, has begun distorting her record as a prosecutor. She’ll have to seize that narrative.
Polling finds that hostile sexism is helping to make the election closer than it would otherwise be.
Know where to turn for resources, tools and support to respond and prevent overdoses in your community.
Black and Latina patients face higher rates of complications at birth. Better prenatal care is necessary.
Unlike my native state of Florida, our lawmakers made sure we include climate change in land-use plans.
The testimony of women at the convention exposed the hypocrisy of Republicans hiding behind ‘state’s rights.’
True ‘weirdness’ embraces all things different and unusual. Both GOP candidates are simply typical.
Ferraro, Palin and Clinton enjoyed early excitement, before doubts dragged them down. Will Harris defy history?
What makes them difficult to quash is Americans’ willingness to swallow lies and examine information.