Herald Forum

Janice Lengenfelder

Forum: Community land trusts offer affordable housing solution

With a public or private trust managing property, more land could be made available for housing.

Janice Lengenfelder
Sid Roberts

Forum: We’ll need to be open to options for affordable housing

There are solutions, but it will mean accepting change in our communities and neighborhoods.

Sid Roberts
Todd Welch

Forum: ‘Housing First’ needs review after Clare’s Place crisis

The low-barrier approach it offers leaves it open to those who threaten the recovery of others.

Todd Welch
Dan Hazen

Forum: Discounting tradition is refusing to learn from history

Whether from the right or left, we should be wary of those who urge us to ignore sources beyond ourselves.

Dan Hazen

Forum: Our Jewish, Muslim neighbors need us to stand with them

Protecting the religious freedom of Jews and Muslims strengthens our community and our rights.

Forum: Small examples of human kindness deserve this: Thanks

My son’s damaged bike might have had neighbors at odds. Instead it offered a lesson in adult conduct.

Forum: Congress can reduce deficit with focused tax cuts

Congress has time-tested methods to increase productivity, help consumers and bring in more revenue.

Forum: Too many kids aren’t ready to learn, to the harm of all

When parents send kids to school to have teachers ‘fix’ them, it drags education down for all.

Dan Hazen

Forum: Nuanced thinking is helpful, when applied to all issues

Our problem isn’t in recognizing an issue’s complexity but in seeing the bias in our own ‘movie’s script.’

Dan Hazen
Kathy Solberg

Forum: Weaving our community efforts creates our social fabric

We have many opportunities to contribute to our community, efforts we can see and take pride in.

Kathy Solberg

Comment: Snake River shouldn’t risk ‘the sound of no salmon’

Work to remove the dams on the lower Snake River should start immediately to save the species.

Forum; County should take comment on sale for gravel mining

The sale of county property to Menzel Lake Gravel risks noise, other impacts for Granite Falls residents.

Forum: County director’s duties in conflict with public safety

The planning director shouldn’t also be the fire marshal, as shown with proposed Bothell apartments.

Forum: Guest worker permits could solve U.S. immgration mess

The program would identify immigrants while allowing them to serve in the jobs the nation needs filled.

Forum: With list of ‘wants,’ Edmonds needs advice from residents

A city council member is calling on residents to help the city set priorities and weigh in on taxes.

Edie Everette

Forum: ‘Life’s a casino,’ but some of us stick to smaller stakes

I crave the feeling of moving through a casino like a human shark, zeroing in on a certain machine.

Edie Everette
Dan Hazen

Forum: In ridding ourselves of frauds, don’t cast out failures

Frauds have no goal beyond deception. Failures offer the potential found in their willingness to risk.

Dan Hazen

Forum: Everett’s new football team offers uninspiring names

With a little thought some better name suggestions could have honored the region and its culture.

Forum: Palestinian suffering can’t justify Hamas’ butchery

But the last 75 years of oppression by Israel’s hard-right leadership helps explain how we got here.

Ron Friesen

Forum: An ode to the telephone wire and the loss of reliability

If the landline phone was limited to one job, it was cheap and lasted for decades. Not so our ‘smart’ phones.

Ron Friesen