Jon Bauer

Comment: Hate speech shouldn’t mar debate over Israel’s war in Gaza

We need clear debate and the ability to dissent without being criminalized as sympathizers.


Comment: War in Ukraine is at stalemate; so is diplomacy

With little to show for Ukraine’s offensives, and no prospects for negotiations, it will be a long winter.


Sid Roberts

Sid Roberts: Humility still a virtue; it’s just harder to see

Too many of our leaders and athletes believe they have to disgrace others to show their strength.


Comment: A lesson for Congress’ Jan. 6 committee from 1856

A panel investigating an attack of a senator by a congressman ended with mixed results for all parties.

Comment: NRA used Columbine to make gun control the enemy

Recordings of NRA leaders’ conversations after the Columbine massacre show how the spin developed.

More information necessary on issues at Lord Hill county park

In response to a recent letter to the editor in regard to use of Snohomish County’s Lord Hill Regional Park, we the undersigned would like… Continue reading

Comment: U.S. lost the war in Afghanistan even as it started

Optimism for nation-building was aided by consensus across the political and media establishment.

Comment: It was always going to end this way in Afghanistan

For 20 years we kept an enemy at bay, but we couldn’t create a sustainable Afghan government.

Comment on wealth taxes more failed ‘bootstrap’ economics

The recent column by Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle is a great example of the “common-sense” misdirection on wealth taxes popular in neoliberal circles. She… Continue reading

Sign the petition to put Sheriff Fortney’s recall on the ballot

Every elected official and the community they serve should be concerned for the safety of 822,000 Snohomish County residents with Sheriff Adam Fortney in charge.… Continue reading

Armed citizens stand vigil in Snohomish on June 1 following a hoax that threatened businesses with vandalism and looting. Declinging to identifying themselves, the man said they were there to “keep business owners and businesses safe. We don’t need our little town torn apart.” (Ian Davis-Leonard / Herald file photo)

Editorial: Leave firearms out of protests, public spaces

A state Senate bill would bar the open carry of firearms at demonstrations and the capitol grounds.

Armed citizens stand vigil in Snohomish on June 1 following a hoax that threatened businesses with vandalism and looting. Declinging to identifying themselves, the man said they were there to “keep business owners and businesses safe. We don’t need our little town torn apart.” (Ian Davis-Leonard / Herald file photo)

Bridging political divides is difficult, important work

How delighted I was to read in a Herald editorial that you intend to seek wider reader input (“Restating our commitment to discourse and debate,”… Continue reading

Comment: U.S. Capitol riot was no propaganda gift to Putin

Every crisis of the Trump reign has only ended up demonstrating the resilience of U.S. institutions.

Vote Jay Inslee out and let him wait for his jobless benefits

There was a recent letter to The Herald praising Gov. Jay Inslee for his response to the covid-19 pandemic. I will continue the “praises.” Let’s… Continue reading

Don’t dismiss utility of written tests for students

The Herald’s recent feature inviting students to write to the editor has made for some interesting reading. It was surprising, though, to see the almost… Continue reading

Address the impacts of NAS Whidbey Growlers as neighbors

Recently, Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a lawsuit against the Navy, alleging that the Environmental Impact Statement process used in determining the local… Continue reading

Moves by county officials on tourism are puzzling

Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers is being short-sighted about the need to expand the role of tourism in Snohomish County. I have been a volunteer… Continue reading

Shall we take up arms against socialist Sweden?

First off we all should thank Mr. Roulstone for his service and those who put their life on the line for democratic freedoms. Yet his… Continue reading

Commentary: Many to be held accountable for Amtrak tragedy

Echoing the Boeing 737 Max crashes, oversight and other failures contributed to the 2017 derailment.